The Lambrechts Family

Cyriel and the 2 sons Carl & Bert are living in the beautiful city of Berlaar, in Antwerp Belgium. In this area, the pigeon sport has a long tradition, and for many years the competition has been on the highest level in Belgium. Famous names have week after week been competing with their best pigeons – making this area one of the strongest areas for pigeon racing, maybe in the hole world.

Carl, Bert & Cyriel are together a very good team. Both sons race with their own pigeon but have all breeders together and they always help each other. It is a real pigeon family, and the wife of Cyriel – Rita – is also involved in the pigeons. She is doing all the lists with the results also has control over breeding books. She is the secretary of this loft and is always supporting her husband and 2 sons. Her hospitality is outstanding, always serving drinks and chocolate.

The family Lambrechts is a real pigeon family with more famous fanciers. Stefaan Lambrechts and Kris Cleirbaut are both nephews of Cyriel.
Cyriel is a fantastic fancier. From the morning till the night, he is on the loft, always working with the pigeons.

The family of the pigeons started with pigeons from Cyriels brother Emanuel Lambrechts, and his uncle Louis Mollen. Emanuel was a top fancier, and in the eyes of Cyriel the best. But Emanuel had to stop because of problems with his lungs, so Cyriel took over his best pigeons. Emanuel has still the love for the pigeons and will see all races from the garden. He can’t go to the lofts. Several other people follow the races week after week, so many times 5-10 people are enjoying when the pigeons come from the races. It is a sight that need to be seen to understand. The pigeons fall from the sky like stones, going into the loft they like they have a hawk on the tail. The discipline is unbelievable. Winning seconds is very important in this competition, many top fanciers are living in Berlaar, so if the trapping is bad, you will lose.
To improve the family they get pigeons from the best fanciers in the area. Big names are not important, only the quality of the pigeons. The selection is very hard, so if the pigeons don’t win, they must leave the loft. No softness!

The acorn never falls far from the tree. Both Carl and Bart have super results on their own loft. They live very close to their father, so every day they are together talking about pigeons. The “boys” love sprint racing, but also the nationals from 470-550 km.
Cyriel stays in the sprint – maybe with a single middledistance race once in a while.
Check out the results the last seasons from this amazing family:

Championships 2020:
1. General Champion 2020 Tienverbond + Bevel.
1. Champion Old and Yearlings 2020 Tienverbond + Bevel.
3. Ace-pigeon Old and Yearlings 2020 Tienverbond + Bevel.
5. Champion Young Birds 2020 Tienverbond + Bevel.

1. Champion Old Birds Noyon 2020 Diamantverbond.
1. Ace-pigeon Old Birds Noyon 2020 Diamantverbond.
1. Ace-pigeon Yearlings Noyon 2020 Diamantverbond.
1. & 2. Ace-pigeons Young Birds Noyon 2020 Diamantverbond.

2. General Champion Noyon+Quievrain 2020 Diamantverbond.
2. General Champion Noyon 2020 Diamantverbond.
4. Champion youngsters Noyon 2020 Diamantverbond.

1. General Champion Quiévrain 2020 Bevelse Duivenbond
1. Champion youngsters 1. + 2. nominated Quiévrain 2020 Bevelse Duivenbond
2. Champion Old birds 1. + 2. Quiévrain 2020 Bevelse Duivenbond
2. Champion Old birds 1. nominated Quiévrain 2020 Bevelse Duivenbond
2. Ace-pigeon Old Birds Quiévrain 2020 Bevelse Duivenbond

Championships 2021:
1. Generel Champion Quievrain + Noyon Berlaar Heikant 2021
1. Champion Old Birds Noyon Berlaar Heikant 2021
1. Ace-pigeon yearlings Noyon Berlaar Heikant 2021 BE20-6181553
2. Champion youngsters Noyon Berlaar Heikant 2021
2. Ace-pigeon old birds Noyon Berlaar Heikant 2021 BE18-6154106
2. “Six week competion” Noyon Berlaar Heikant 2021
3. Champion youngsters Quievrain Berlaar Heikant 2021
3. “Six week competion” Quievrain Berlaar Heikant 2021
5. Ace-pigeon youngsters Noyon Berlaar Heikant 2021 BE21-6033409

1. General Champion 1+2 nominated Quievrain Bevel 2021
1. Champion Old birds 1+2 nominated Quievrain Bevel 2021
2. Champion Youngsters 1. nominated Quievrain Bevel 2021
5. Champion Old birds 1. nominated Quievrain Bevel 2021
5. Champion Youngsters 1+2 nominated Quievrain Bevel 2021

Bert Lambrechts won 1. National Zone B2 from 3.624 pigeons and 10. from 18.741 National from Chateauroux 509 km.

Championships 2022:
1. Champion Yearlings GMD 1. Nominated 2022 FONDCLUB BEVEL
2. General Champion GMD 2022 FONDCLUB BEVEL
3. Champion Old Birds 1. And 2. Nominated GMD 2022 FONDCLUB BEVEL
3. Champion Yearlings 1. And 2. Nominated GMD 2022 FONDCLUB BEVEL
3. Champion Youngsters 1. And 2. Nominated GMD 2022 FONDCLUB BEVEL
1. Champion Yearlings 1. And 2. Nominated GMD 2022 BERLAARSE HAFO VRIENDENKRING
2. General Champion Middledistance 2022 BERLAARSE HAFO VRIENDENKRING
2. Champion Old Birds 1. And 2. Nominated GMD 2022 BERLAARSE HAFO VRIENDENKRING
10. Champion Youngsters 1. And 2. Nominated GMD 2022 BERLAARSE HAFO VRIENDENKRING

BE21-6033321 – 1. Acepigeon Yearlings GMD 2022 FONDCLUB BEVEL
BE22-6033266 – 2. Acepigeon Youngsters GMD 2022 BERLAARSE HAFO VRIENDENKRING
BE21-6033344 – 3. Acepigeon Yearlings GMD 2022 BERLAARSE HAFO VRIENDENKRING

Bert Lambrechts won 1. National Argenton 549 km 2022 from 2.276 pigeons with the speed of 1163 MPM with BE20-6181836. The week before she was 18. from 5.160 pigeons also from Argenton with the speed 1.376 mpm.
It is a fantastic hen. In 2021 she was 1. Ace-pigeon old and yearlings in region Mechelen and Turnhout.

The season 2023 was a fantastic season with topresults from sprint, middle and national races!!

Top 100 National races 2023:
20 x top 100 on the national races on the heavy middle distance. 470 -550 km.

Argenton II 24/06. 11295 pigeons old birds.
51 National with BE20-6181867. Bert Lambrechts.

Chateauroux I 22/07. 8075 pigeons old birds.
52 National with BE21-6033432. Bert Lambrechts.

Bourges II 30/7. 12094 pigeons yearlings.
33 National with BE22-6032705. Carl Lambrechts.

Bourges III 07/8. 19369 pigeons young birds.
57 National with BE23-6018292. Carl Lambrechts.
59. National with BE23-6018436. 1. Zone B2 from 3699 pigeons. Bert Lambrechts.

Bourges IV 13/8. 9922 pigeons old birds.
14. National with BE22-6032547. Bert Lambrechts.
27. National with BE21-6033432. Bert Lambrechts.
73. National with BE21-6033471. Bert Lambrechts.

Bourges IV 13/8. 20328 pigeons young birds.
25. National with BE23-6018419. Bert Lambrechts.
29. National with BE23-6018404. Bert Lambrechts.
32. National with BE23-6018288. Carl Lambrechts.
79. National with BE23-6018284. Carl Lambrechts.
83. National with BE23-6018460. Bart Lambrechts.
84. National with BE23-6018364. Carl Lambrechts.

Argenton 26/8. 3990 pigeons old birds.
24. National with BE21-6033432. Bert Lambrechts.
82. National with BE22-6032680. Carl Lambrechts.

Argenton IV 26/8. 18837 pigeons youngsters.
3. National with BE23-6018463. 1. Zone B2. 2990 pigeons. Bert Lambrechts.
9. National with BE23-6018284. Carl Lambrechts.
90. National with BE23-6018446. Bert Lambrechts.

Chateauroux II 9/9. 2331 pigeons.
11. National with BE22-6032562. 1. Zone B2. 360 pigeons. Bert Lambrechts.

14. National Ace-pigeon on 2 races. BE-23-6018284. Carl Lambrechts.

Championship Diamantverbond 2023:
2. General champion Carl Lambrechts.
1. Champion Old birds Noyon. Carl Lambrechts.
9. Champion Old birds Noyon. Cyriel Lambrechts.
5. Champion Young birds Noyon. Carl Lambrechts.
8. Champion Old birds Quievrain. Cyriel Lambrechts.
10. Champion Old birds Quievrain. Carl Lambrechts.
4. Champion Young birds Quievrain. Carl Lambrechts.
5. Ace-pigeon Noyon old birds BE21-6033269. Carl Lambrechts.
6. Ace-pigeon Noyon old birds BE21-6033272. Carl Lambrechts.
7. Ace-pigeon Noyon old birds BE20-6181654. Cyriel Lambrechts.
14. Ace-pigeon Noyon old birds BE21-6033257. Carl Lambrechts.
1. Ace-pigeon Noyon yearlings BE22-6032407. Cyriel Lambrechts.
8. Ace-pigeon Noyon yearlings BE22-6032471. Cyriel Lambrechts.
15. Ace-pigeon Noyon young birds BE23-6018321. Carl Lambrechts.
3. Ace-pigeon Quievrain old birds BE21-6033200. Cyriel Lambrechts.
1. Ace-pigeon Quievrain young birds BE23-6018347. Carl Lambrechts.

Championship Bevel 2023:
1. Champion young birds Quievrain Cyriel Lambrechts
1. Ace-pigeon young birds Quievrain BE23-6018113 Cyriel Lambrechts
1. Champion 1. Nominated young birds Quievrain Cyriel Lambrechts
3. Champion old bird 1+2 nominated Quievrain Cyriel Lambrechts
5. Champion old birds 1. Nominated Quievrain Cyriel Lambrechts
6. Ace-pigeon Quievrain old birds BE22-6032404 Cyriel Lambrechts
7. Ace-pigeon Quievrain old birds BE22-6032403 Cyriel Lambrechts

Top 100 prizes on shortdistance in Antwerp:

Quievrain 9/4-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
11,13,15,40,54 from 18382 pigeons.

Quievrain 30/4-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
25, 36, 41, 44, 94 from 12585 pigeons

Noyon 30/4-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
72 from 15813 pigeons.

Quievrain 14/5-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
48, 56 from 8152 pigeons.

Noyon 14/5-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
44 from 9426 pigeons.

Sermaises 13/5-23:
Carl Lambrechts.
28 from 13390 pigeons.

Noyon 21/5-23:
Carl Lambrechts.
14,14,100 from 8445 pigeons
Cyriel Lambrechts 32 from 8445 pigeons.

Quievrain youngsters 28/5-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
2, 46 from 13946 pigeons.

Noyon 28/5-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
49 from 7000 pigeons.

Sermaises 3/6-23:
Carl Lambrechts
21 from 4043 pigeons.

Quievrain 11/6-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
40 from 6258 pigeons.

Quievrain 11/6-23:
Carl Lambrechts
10 from 13454 pigeons
Cyriel Lambrechts
50 from 13454 pigeons

Noyon 11/6-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
16, 43, 58 from 5661 pigeons.
Carl Lambrechts
76 from 5661 pigeons.

Noyon youngsters 11/6-23:
Carl Lambrechts
8 from 2438 pigeons.

Quievrain 18/6-23:
Bert Lambrechts
85 from 5465 pigeons

Quievrain 18/6-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
42 from 12203 pigeons.

Noyon 18/6-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
10,14 from 3695 pigeons.

Quievrain youngsters 25/6-23:
Carl Lambrechts
20 from 14468 pigeons
Cyriel Lambrechts
44 from 14468 pigeons

Noyon youngsters 25/6-23:
Carl Lambrechts
43 from 4516 pigeons
Cyriel Lambrechts
94 from 4516 pigeons

Quievrain 2/7-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
27,29, 40 from 4332 pigeons.

Quievrain youngsters 2/7-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
11,18,74, 97 from 16363 pigeons.

Noyon 2/7-23:
Bert Lambrechts
38,39 from 5295 pigeons
Cyriel Lambrechts
71,72 from 5295 pigeons

Noyon youngsters 2/7-23:
Carl Lambrechts
10,28,76, from 10747 pigeons
Bert Lambrechts
91 from 10747 pigeons.

Quievrain 9/7-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
70 from 3672 pigeons

Quievrain 9/7-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
20, 52 from 12977 pigeons.
Carl Lambrechts
37, 38, 40, 42 from 12977 pigeons.

Noyon 8/7-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
2 from 2402 pigeons.

Noyon youngsters 8/7-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
30 from 4069 pigeons

Melun 8/7-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
56 from 3409 pigeons.

Melun youngsters 8/7-23:
Carl Lambrechts
43 from 4292 pigeons

Quievrain 16/7-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
47 from 3715 pigeons

Quievrain youngsters 16/7-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
25, 65 from 16206 pigeons.

Noyon 16/7-23:
Carl Lambrechts
24 from 4406 pigeons
Bert Lambrechts
77 from 4406 pigeons

Noyon youngsters 16/7-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
1, 59, 90 from 13199 pigeons
Carl Lambrechts
4, 66, 76 from 13199 pigeons

Sermaises 16/7-23:
Carl Lambrechts
57 from 2755 pigeons

Quievrain youngsters 23/7-23:
Carl Lambrechts
83 from 9180 pigeons

Sermaises 22/7-23:
Carl Lambrechts
51 from 2864 pigeons

Sermaises yearlings 22/7-23:
Carl Lambrechts
34 from 1903 pigeons

Sermaises youngsters 22/7-23:
Carl Lambrechts
38 from 8091 pigeons
Bert Lambrechts
41, 51 from 8091 pigeons

Quievrain 30/7-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
6, 18 from 3043 pigeons
Carl Lambrechts
66 from 3043 pigeons

Quievrain youngsters 30/7-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
2 from 14839 pigeons
Carl Lambrechts
43 from 14839 pigeons

Sermaises youngsters 29/7-23:
Carl Lambrechts
14, 29, 74 from 6684 pigeons
Bert Lambrechts
34, 37 from 6684 pigeons

Sermaises 29/7-23:
Bert Lambrechts
23 from 1397 pigeons

Melun youngsters 5/8-23:
Bert Lambrechts
18 from 4430 pigeons

Quievrain youngsters 13/8-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
14, 35 from 13287 pigeons

Sermaises youngsters 12/8-23:
Carl Lambrechts
91 from 4338 pigeons

Quievrain youngsters 20/8-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
21, 22, 25, 26 from 13500 pigeons
Carl Lambrechts
33 from 13500 pigeons
Bert Lambrechts
69 from 13500 pigeons

Quievrain youngsters 27/8-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
12, 20 from 11184 pigeons
Carl Lambrechts
79, 95 from 11184 pigeons

Quievrain youngsters 3/9-23:
Carl Lambrechts
39, 51 from 11433 pigeons
Cyriel Lambrechts
97 from 11433 pigeons

Melun youngsters 2/-9-23:
Bert Lambrechts
30 from 5436 pigeons

Quievrain 17/9-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts
41 from 8881 pigeons.

1. Prizes in Diamant Verbond 2023:

Quievrain 30/4-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts 1, 2, 47 of 4 pigeons from 284 pigeons. 56 members.

Quievrain 11/6-23:
Carl Lambrechts. 1, 15, 32, 41, 42, etc. from 686 young pigeons. 77 members.

Noyon 21/5-23:
Carl Lambrechts. 1, 10, 12, 13, 15, 19, 23, 43, 45, 50 etc. 402 pigeons and 51 members.

Noyon 18/6-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts. 1, 23 from 2 pigeons in the race. 210 pigeons and 21 members.

Noyon 3/9-23:
Carl Lambrechts. 1, 37, 40, 49 etc. from 330 pigeons and 44 members.

DuivenBond Bevel:

Quievrain 18/6-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts. 1 from 550 young pigeons.

Langs de Netekant:

Quievrain 23/8-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts: 1, 10, 12, 21, 23, 42 etc from 625 young pigeons.

Quievrain 9/8-23:
Bert Lambrechts: 1, 3, 6, 8, 11, 12, 16, 18 etc. from 124 old pigeons.

Quievrain 30/7-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts: 1, 2 from 80 old pigeons.

Quievrain 26/7-23:
Bert Lambrechts: 1, 2, 3, 5 etc. from 180 old pigeons.

Quievrain 2/7-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts: 1, 2, 8, 15, 28, etc. from 279 young pigeons.

Quievrain 25/6-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts: 1, 14, etc. from 176 old pigeons.

Quievrain 4/6-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts: 1 etc from 137 young pigeons.

Quievrain 14/5-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts: 1, 7 from 107 yearlings.

Quievrain 09/4-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts: 1, 2, 3, 13 etc. from 425 old pigeons.

Noyon 28/5-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts: 1 from 284 old pigeons. 1 bird in the race.

Noyon 18/6-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts: 1 from 71 old pigeons. 1 bird in the race.

Noyon 16/7-23:
Carl Lambrechts: 1, 16, 26, 35 etc. from 193 old pigeons.

Noyon 16/7-23:
Cyriel Lambrechts: 1, 6, 8, 26, etc. from 542 young pigeons.

Championships 2024:
1. General Champion DIAMANTVERBOND
1. General Champion Verbroedering BERLAAR HEIKANT
1. Champion Youngsters Noyon DIAMANTVERBOND
1. Champion Yearlings Middledistance REGIO MECHELEN
1. Champion Youngsters Noyon Verbroedering BERLAAR HEIKANT
1. Champion Weekraces Verbroedering BERLAAR HEIKANT
2. Champion Youngsters Quievrain DIAMANTVERBOND
2. Champion Youngsters Quievrain Verbroedering BERLAAR HEIKANT
3. Champion Yearlings 1+2. nom. Middledistance Regions MECHELEN+TURNHOUT
3. Champion Old Birds Middledistance REGIO MECHELEN
Acepigeons 2024:
BE-24-6094245 ‘245’ 1. Acepigeon Youngsters Noyon DIAMANTVERBOND
BE-24-6094245 ‘245’ 1. Acepigeon Youngsters Noyon Verbroedering BERLAAR HEIKANT
BE-23-6018321 ‘321’ 2. Acepigeon Yearlings Noyon Verbroedering BERLAAR HEIKANT
BE-23-6018321 ‘321’ 3. Acepigeon Yearlings Noyon DIAMANTVERBOND
BE-23-6018343 ‘434’ 3. Acepigeon Yearlings Quievrain Verbroedering BERLAAR HEIKANT
BE-24-6094074 ‘074’ 3. Acepigeon Youngsters Quievrain Verbroedering BERLAAR HEIKANT

It is a pleasure for us to present this special pigeon-family!
Check out their Facebook page so you can follow the results in the future!