
Buy a winner!
Raced toppigeon! Winner of:

1/448 Momignies 128 km
67/792 Momignies 128 km
145/463 Momignies 128 km
etc. as youngster!

Direct from DE 2418
Superhen! Winner of 7 x 1. Prizes:
1/744, 1/375, 1/296, 1/238, 1/170, 1/153, 1/147 etc.!
29 prizes on 29 races!

Super Leo Heremans lines!

Sire: BE-19-5051166 INTEELT DI CAPRIO
Inbred from DI CAPRIO – a real topracer a.o:
1. Quievrain 1.928 p.
1. Quievrain 1.580 p.
1. Quievrain 1278 p.
3. Quievrain 1.267 p.
3. Quievrain 658 p.
8. Quievrain 2.622 p.
10. Quievrain 881 p.
12. Quievrain 1.583 p.
28. Quievrain 2.421 p.
41. Quievrain 1.698 p.
46. Quievrain 1.532 p.

Sire to several toppigeons too like:

NATALIA (BEL-13-6122204): 1. National Bourges 10.141 pigeons in 2014

SAMANTHA: 1. National Acepigeon WHZB/TBOTB 2015

OLYMPIC NIELS (BEL-08-6338005):
1/793 p. from Dourdan
3/1.717 p. from Etampes
4/1.258 p. from Dourdan
4/490 p.  from Quievrain
5/1.092 p. from Dourdan
5/629 p. from Melun
6/918 p. from Orleans

Dam: BE-17-5002418 DE 2418
Superhen! Winner of 7 x 1. Prizes:
1/744, 1/375, 1/296, 1/238, 1/170, 1/153, 1/147 etc.!
29 prizes on 29 races!

Sister to DE 555:
7 x 1. Prizes including:
1/2.767, 2/924, 3/2.448, 3/2.443, 3/1.869, 3/1.690, 7/3.641, 9/987, 11/3.400 pigeons!