Super Gaston Van De Wouwer origins!
Linebred from the lines from KIM and NEW KIM!
Org. Descheemaecker Pigeon Center.
Sire: BE-17-6007788
Son of halfbrother to NAFI:
1. Prov. Argenton 4.017 p.
2. National Zone 5.758 p.
12. National 27.267 p.
And KAASBOERTJE – daughter of halfbrother to KIM:
1. National Gueret 14.245 p.
38. National Argenton 23.900 p.
87. National Bourges 37.357 p.
Dam: BE-17-6007737 HALFZUS NEW KIM
Direct daughter of the sire to NEW KIM:
1. National Acepigeon GMD Youngsters KBDB 2018
2. National Chateauroux 17.281 p.
12. National Argenton 16.496 p.
21. National Chateauroux 12.855 p.
He is again son of a sister to KIM:
1. National Gueret 14.245 p.
38. National Argenton 23.900 p.
87. National Bourges 37.357 p.
Here coupled to a halfsister to KIM!