Super Dirk Van Den Bulck origins!

Sire: BE-19-4231215 RED 215, Org. Flanders Collection
Halfbrother to 3 x 1. Prize winner
1/627, 1/198, 1/116, 4/124, 8/519 plus 24/1276, 31/3300 etc.

Inbred around KITTEL and the superpair BROER GOEDE RODE x 40000-DUIVIN!

Dam: NL-20-1499316 GRANDDAUGHTER KITTEL, Org. Peter Van De Merwe
Grandchild of KITTEL:
1. National Acepigeon KBDB Sprint 2013!
1/2.089 pigeons (fastest from 25.000 pigeons!!!)
1/1.792 pigeons (fastest from 25.000 pigeons!!!)
2/2.023 pigeons
3/2.443 pigeons
4/2.212 pigeons etc.