Super Jan Hooymans origins!

Sire: 111-19-0873 GRANDSON SUPER DIEGO
SUPER DIEGO is sire to:
HJERTER ES 5546 5 x 1. prizes
HJERTER ES 5516 2 x 1. prizes

SUPER DIEGO is son of DIEGO – a halfbrother to the famous RUDY!

RUDY was a super breeder at the loft of Gaby Vandenabeele – sire i.e. to:
– SUPER ROMEO 1. Nat. Acepigeon Longdistance Yearlings KBDB 2013!
– NEW BLIKSEM 1. Nat. Tulle 5.731 yearlings 2014.

Direct daughter of HALLILUJAH – super breeder!
Sire and grandsire to:
1. National Sens 8.762, 1. NPO Morlincourt 8.939, 2. Asse Zellik 4.122, 3. NPO Morlincourt 7.348, 3. Gorichem 19.430, 5. NPO Morlincourt 7.348 etc. etc.
A direct son of HARRY x ESMEE.

HARRY was an amazing racer and foundation pigeon for Jan Hooymans:
1. National Acepigeon Holland 2009, 1. NPO Blois 5.553 pigeons (fastest 37.728 birds), 1. NPO Chateauroux 5.979 pigeons (fastest 22.340 pigeons), 3. NPO Chateauroux 8.781 pigeons (3 fastest 21.520 pigeons) etc.

The mother to DAUGHTER HALLILUJAH is a halfsister to ESMEE – 1. National Acepigeon!

Dam: 111-19-0858 INBRED HARRY