P & D Houfflijn – longdistance champions!
Patrick (69) and his son Dimitri Houfflijn (45) are a famous name in pigeon racing.
This successful combination has been one of the best teams in Belgium for over 20 years now, mainly on the national long distance. This success story is founded on the old bloodlines of the late Robert Willequet and Roger Desmet-Matthijs. However, the family got fantastic success introducing pigeons from Gaby Vandenabeele.
Two sons of his BLAUWE FIDEEL (1. National Brive 1995), two daughters of RONKER (1. National Limoges 1995 and 1. Prov. Acepigeon Long Distance KBDB 1994), plus a daughter from TURBO (1. Prov. Acepigeon Long Distance KBDB West Flanders) were the “injection” to a long range of top results, including a number of provincial first prizes and early arrivals at national level.
Some of the present superstars at the loft are:
The old foundation pigeon GERONIMO (BE00-4282486) was a topracer – and a super breeder – he is father i.e. to:
Championships ace pigeons and ranking 2013 – 2018
1. Acepigeon Montauban over 3 years (2013–2015) PIPA Ranking (with DE MARTIN 10-4147109) 2. Acepigeon Montauban over 3 years (2013–2015) PIPA Ranking (with BIKSEM MONTAUBAN 11-4196650) 2. National Champion Longdistance Old 2013 2. Acepigeon Longdistance over 4 races PIPA Ranking (with SUPER COOLS 14-4235034) 3. National Champion Longdistance yearlings 2014 3. Acepigeon Montauban 2 prizes over 2 years PIPA Ranking (with DE MARTIN 10-4147109) 4. Acepigeon Montauban over 2 years (2012-1013) PIPA Ranking (with ZOON RED BARCELONA 09-4210212) 8. National Acepigeon Extreme Longdistance olds KBDB 2015 (with grandson GERONIMO 12-4240810) 8. National Acepigeon Longdistance KBDB 2017 (with SUPER COOLS 14-4235034) 9. National Acepigeon Longdistance KBDB 2013 (with SON RIK 09-4210276) 9. Acepigeon Limoges over 4 prizes (2011-2014) PIPA Ranking (with LIONEL 104147129) 9. Acepigeon extreme Longdistance over 3 races 2015 PIPA ranking (with grandson GERONIMO 12-4240810) 10 National Acepigeon KBDB Longdistance Yearlings 2016 10. Acepigeon Monatuban over 2 years PIPA ranking (with DE MARTIN 10-4147109) 11. National Champion Longdistance old KBDB 2014