Norbert Stolorz – a man of the Ruhr Region
“A man of the Ruhr region”: this is how Norbert Stolorz of Recklinghausen in Germany proudly presents himself. And with reason.
Anyone who is interested in international pigeon sport and doesn’t know the high quality and top performances of the German racing pigeons must have been asleep for the last couple of decades. Germany counts a lot of fanciers and therefore the competition is very strong.
And one of the regions where the competition is the toughest of all is the Ruhr area; exactly where Norbert Stolorz lives and races his birds. So of course he is proud! Because anyone who can put his mark on the racing pigeon scene in this area may call himself a true Grandmaster and surely possesses a loft full of super quality birds. This is not something that has happened overnight.
Norbert started racing pigeons in his native Poland in 1975. He was very successful at it until he moved to Germany in 1990. Unfortunately at that time his job did not enable him to continue racing and so a 16 year hiatus ensued. In 2006 however he resumed pigeon racing on his current address, once again with great success. Indeed, Norbert Stolorz certainly has left his mark on the German pigeon racing scene.
Between 2012 and 2022 he won no less than 79 x 1. Championships in the Union, Grand Union and on the Provincial level. Take a look at all Championship and Best Bird nominations and we’re talking about a staggering 240 top positions! Too many to list them all in this report of course, but among them we find results such as:
From 2012-2024 winner of 95 x 1 Championship in Union, Grand Union and Provincial !!!!
A new amazing season 2024:
13 x 1st Prizes
Winner Rheinland Derby 2024 !!!
1. Champion in the Union Richard Groß memorial cup
1. Champion in the Grand Union Richard Groß memorial cup
1. Champion in the Provincial Richard Groß memorial cup
1. Champion in the Union (Youngsters II) 30/30 Prizes
1., 9., 10., 11. Best Youngster in Union
2. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Union; yearling birds)
2. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Union,Youngsters)
2. Champion in the Union (Yearling)
2. Champion in the Grand Union (Yearling)
2. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Union) 20 Prizes
2. Champion in the Union (cocks)
2. Champion for the German Championship (BT -Zeitschrift)
2. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Union) 30 Prizes
2. Champion in the Union (old birds II)
2. Champion in the Union (Youngsters) 30/30 Prizes
3., 5., 8. Best yearling Cock in the Union
3., 7., 8., 9. Best yearling hen in the Union
3. Champion in the Union (hens)
3. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Provincial; yearling birds)
5. Acepigeon July Union
8. Acepigeon Provincial hen
24. Champion in the GERMANY Richard Groß memorial cup
45. Champion GERMANY Yearling
120. Champion GERMANY Youngsters
Bronze- & Silver–Medal winner
Fantastic season 2023:
1. Vanrobaeys Superstar Germany with Youngsters Coeff. 130,243
1. Vanrobaeys Superstar Best Youngster in Germany Coeff.17,11
1. Champion in Provincial (Youngsters) 28 Prizes
1. General Champion Union 91 Prizes
1. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Union)
1. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in Provincial)
1. Champion in the Union (Youngsters) 30/30 Prizes
1. Champion in the Union (Youngsters II) 30/30 Prizes
1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6. Best Youngster in Union
1., 6. Best Youngster in Provincial
2. Best Youngster TIPES Championat 2023 Germany
2. Champion for the German Championship (BT -Zeitschrift)
2. Champion in the Union (old birds II) 65 Prizes
2. Champion in the Union (Yearling) 30 Prizes
2. Champion EDV in the Union
2., 7. Best pigeon in Union
2., 6., 8., 9. Best Yearling Male in the Union
3. Best Male in Provincial
3. Champion in the Union (Old birds)
3., 6,. 7. Acepigeon Union Males
3., 9. Acepigeon Union Hens
3. Champion for the German Championship (Union) 21 Prizes
3. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Union) 30 Prizes
3. Champion in the Union (males)
4., 5., 6., 9. Best yearling Male in the Union (yearling list)
4. Champion in the Union (hens)
6. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Union; yearling birds)
6. Champion in the Grand Union (Old birds)
7. Acepigeon Provincial Males
7. Acepigeon July Union
8. Acepigeon Juny Union
9. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Provincial)
22. Champion GERMANY Youngsters
Results in 2022:
Only in 2021 he won:
6 x 1 Prizes
1. Champion in the Grand Union (Yearling) 29 Prizes
2. Champion for the German Championship (BT -Zeitschrift) 40 Prizes
2. Best hen in the Union 12 Prizes
2. Best yearling Cock in the Union 9 Prizes
2. Best pigeon in the Union 12/12 Prizes
2. Champion EDV in the Union
2. Champion in the Union (Old birds) 49 Prizes
2. Champion in the Union (old birds II) 56 Prizes
2. Champion in the Grand Union (hens) 46 Prizes
2. Champion in the Grand Union (cocks) 46 Prizes
2. Champion in the Grand Union (Youngsters)
2. Champion in the Union (Youngsters) 30/30 Prizes
2. Champion in the Union (yearling birds) 26 Prizes
2. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Union ; Old birds) 12 Prizes
2. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Union) 30 Prizes
3. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Union ; yearling birds) 13 Prizes
3. Best Youngster in the Provincial against 5,911 Pigeons
3. Best yearling hen in the Union 9 Prizes
4. Best Youngster in the Union against 1,277 Pigeons
5. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Union ;youngsters)
5. Champion in the Union (Youngsters II) 28 Prizes
5. Best Youngster in the Provincial against 5,911 Pigeons
5. Best Youngster in the Union against 1,277 Pigeons
6. Best Cock in the Union 10 Prizes
6. Best Youngster in the Union against 1,277 Pigeons
8. Best Youngster in the Union against 1,277 Pigeons
13. Best Youngster in the Provincial against 5,911 Pigeons
Bronze- Silver – Medal winner
Winner Sports Watch
Results in 2021:
In 2019 he won:
6 x 1 Prize (Yearling , Union , Provincial)
1. Champion in the Grand Union (Cocks) 33 Prizes
1. Best Cock in the Union 12 Prizes
1. Best Cock in the Grand Union 13 Prizes
1. Best Ace Hen in the Union
1. Best Ace Hen in the Grand Union
1. Best Ace Hen in the Provinzial
2. Champion in the Union (Cocks) 50 Prizes
2. Champion in the Union (Youngsters) 30 Prizes
2. Champion in the Grand Union (Youngsters) 30 Prizes
2. Best Pigeon in the Grand Union 13 Prizes
2. Best yearling cock in the Union 10 Prizes
3. General Champion Union 77 Prizes
3. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Union; yearling)
3. Best Ace Cock in the Union
4. Champion in Union (Yearling) 29 Prizes
4. Best yearling cock in the Union 10 Prizes
5. Champion in the Provinzial (Youngsters)
5. Best Youngster in the Union against 1,304 Pigeons
5. Champion in the Union (fast 5 Pigeons old birds)
6. Best Youngster in the Union against 1,926 Pigeons
7. Best yearling cock in the Provinzial
8. Best Ace Cock in the Provinzial
9. Champion in the Provinzial (Long distance)
8. Best Youngster in the Union against 1,304 Pigeons
9. Best Youngster in the Union against 1,304 Pigeons
9. Champion in the Provinzial (Yearling Pigeons) 25 Prizes
10. Champion in the Provinzial (old Pigeons) 45 Prizes
41. Best Ace Hen in the Germany against 118.375 Hens
79. Champion for the German Championship (nominated yearling GERMANY)
Listing all his results from the last decade would be too much, but let us list the results of 2017 and 2018 also:
1. Champion in the Union (old birds) 56 Prizes
1. Champion in the Union (Cocks) 54 Prizes
2. Champion in the Provinzial (old Birds) 49 Prizes
2. Champion in Provinzial (short Distance) 25 Prizes
2. Champion in the Grand Union (Cocks) 33 Prizes
2. Champion in the Union (fast 3 Pigeons old birds)
2. Best yearling cock in the Union 11 Prizes
2. Champion in the Union (Westphalia Championat II)
3. Champion in Provinzial (Yearling) 28 Prizes
3. Champion in Grand Union (Yearling) 20 Prizes
3. Champion in the Union (fast 5 Pigeons old birds)
3. Best cock in the Union 12 prizes
4. Champion in the Provinzial (Hens) 30 Prizes
4. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Union; yearling)
4. Champion in the Union ( yearling) 31 Prizes
4. Champion in the Union (Die Brieftaube) 40 Prizes
5. Best Hen in the Provinzial 11/11 Prizes against 2,848 pigeons
5. Best Yearling cock in the Provinzial against 2,386 pigeons
5. Best Yearling cock in the Union (Westphalia Championat)
5. Best yearling cock in the Union 10 Prizes
5. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Union)
6. Best Yearling cock in the Provinzial against 2,386 pigeons
6. Best Yearling cock in the Union (Westphalia Championat)
6. Best yearling cock in the Union 10 Prizes
6. Best cock in the Union 11 Prizes
6. Best hen in the Union 12 Prizes
6. Champion in the Union (Westphalia Championat IV)
7. Champion in the Grand Union (old birds) 56 Prizes
7. Champion in the Grand Union (hens) 33 Prizes
7. Best cock in the Union 11 Prizes
7. Best yearling cock in the Union 9 Prizes
8. Best Yearling cock in the Provinzial against 2,386 pigeons
8. Best pigeon in the Union against 1,532 pigeons 12 prizes
9. Champion in Provinzial (Long Distance) 27 Prizes
9. Best pigeon in the Provinzial 11/11 Prizes against 7,092 pigeons
10. Best pigeon in the Union against 1,532 pigeons 12 prizes
31. Champion for the German Championship (nominated yearling GERMANY)
2. Best pigeon in the Union against 1,697 pigeons 13 prizes
2. Best old Hen in the Union 13 prizes
3. Vanrobaeys Superstar Germany Youngsters
3. Best pigeon in the Provinzial 11/11 Prizes against 8,597 pigeons
3. Best Hen in the Provinzial 11/11 Prizes against 3,431 pigeons
3. Champion in the Grand Union (youngsters) 28 Prizes
3. Champion in the Grand Union (Hens) 33 Prizes
3. Best Hen in the Grand Union 12 prizes against 977 Hens
3. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Union; youngsters) 9 Prizes 782,88 Ace Points
4. General Champion Provinzial 67 Prizes
4. Champion in the Union (Hens) 52 Prizes
4. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Union) 12 Prizes 1079,16 Ace Points
4. Best yearling cock in the Union 10 Prizes
4. Champion in the Provinzial (Hens) 29 Prizes
5. Recklinghausen City Champion
5. General Champion Union 79 Prizes
5. Champion in the Union (old birds) 54 Prizes
5. Champion in the Grand Union (old birds) 55 Prizes
5. Best pigeon in the Grand Union against 2,311 pigeons 12 prizes
6. Champion in Provinzial (Youngsters) 20 Prizes 1528 Ace Points
6. Best youngster in the Grand Union against 2,136 pigeons 6/6 Prizes
6. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Union; yearling)
6. Champion in the Union (Die Brieftaube) 39 Prizes
6. Champion in the Union „Klinik Cup“ 29 Prizes
6. Champion in Provinzial (old Pigeons) 47 Prizes
8. Champion in the Union ( yearling) 28 Prizes
9. Champion in Provinzial (Long Distance) 23 Prizes
11. Fastest Pigeon “Ruhr Race” Zone 2 3 Prizes 275 Ace Points against 13,837 Pigeons
13. Best Youngster in Provinzial 4/4 Prize cards 346,27 Ace Points against 8,482 Pigeons
15. Best old Hen “Ruhr Race” 3 Prizes 275 Ace Points against 4,661 Pigeons
Silver – Medal winner
Winner Sports Watch