Jouke Rottiné – Dutch superloft!
Jouke Rottiné is 53 years old and lives with his wife and 3 children in Zwagerbosch.
Jouke Rottiné started keeping pigeons in 1977 at the age of 10. Both his uncle and grandfather had pigeons so it was quite natural for Jouke to start with the pigeons. The first pigeons arrived via his grandfather and uncle Albert Rindert and he also got some pigeons from Fokke Boskma (Gratema). The performances were not overwhelming at first but occasionally there were good results and everyone around Jouke was seeing his potential.
Soon he realised that he had to invest in better pigeons so he purchased the type of pigeons that he wanted from the major champion E. vd Bei from Zwaagwesteinde in 1985. Very fast these pigeons gave him succes.
In 1994 he started over again after he had to move to the village of Zwagerbosch. In 1995 he was back in the competition. In 1996 his neighbour K. Veenstra offered him some pigeons – one a hen 95-1008921 (Kees), a proven performer. TJ. & A. Bosma from Buitenpost loaned Jouke in 1999 their 3 best breeding pair to breed a round from. In 2002 and 2003 Jouke went to Steven van Breemen from Hilversum and a total of 14 pigeons were purchased from his top pigeons.
The favorite races are the one day race between 100 and 750 km. This season he started with 18 cocks and 22 hens. Jouke attaches great importance to a variety of plumage colours, eye colours and a good physique. He does not think pairing two birds of the same eye colour together is beneficial. Prior to the racing season Jouke relies completely on the advice of Fernand Marien and through these visits Jouke has also purchased pigeons from Marien.
So his present team of pigeons are founded on:
Tjipke & Auke Bosma, Buitenpost
Foppe van der Meer, Drogeham
D. v.d. Veen, Zwaagwesteinde
Comb. Atema, Noordbergum
Steven van Breemen, Hilversum
Fernand Marien, Kasterlee-Tielen (B)
Super Season 2024!
1st Champion Unnominated Natour Rayon “De Driesprong”
2nd Champion Unnominated Natour Samenspel “De Eenheid”
11. National Acepigeon Youngsters NL Short Distance 2024 Pipa-ranking
15. National Acepigeon Youngsters NL Short Distance 2024 Pipa-ranking
Duffel: 1, 3 against 541 p. (12/40)
Luyksgestel: 1, 3, 14 against 612 p. (17/50)
Luyksgestel PROV.: 9, 30 against 15.319 p. (28/50)
Duffel PROV.: 11, 12 against 9.717 p. (14/15)
Tongeren PROV.: 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 29, 73, 75, 77, 80, 97 against 5.995 p. (31/40)
Best results of the season 2023
1st not nominate Allround Champion Rayon “De Driesprong” (90 lofts)
5th nominate Allround Champion Rayon “De Driesprong” (90 lofts)
1st Champion Short Distance not nominate Samenspel “De Eenheid” (300 lofts)
1st Champion Short Distance not nominate Rayon “De Driesprong” (90 lofts)
1st Middle Distance not nominate Rayon “De Driesprong” (90 lofts)
1st Champion Short Distance nominate Samenspel “De Eenheid” (300 lofts)
1st Champion Middle Distance nominate Rayon “De Driesprong” (90 lofts)
2nd Champion Middle Distance not nominate Samenspel “De Eenheid” (300 lofts)
5th Champion Youngster not nominate Rayon “De Driesprong” (90 lofts)
6th Nat. Eendaagse Fondspiegel Cat. 3 Younsters 2023
6th nominate Allround Champion Short Afdeling Friesland96 (1100 lofts)
6th Champion Middle Distance not nominate Afdeling Friesland96 (1100 lofts)
11th Champion Short Distance Afdeling Friesland96 (1100 lofts)
1st Ace pigeon Middle Distance Samenspel “De Eenheid” (300 lofts)
1st Ace pigeon Middle Distance Rayon “De Driesprong” (90 lofts)
3rd Ace pigeon Short Distance Rayon “De Driesprong” (90 lofts)
4th Ace pigeon Middle Distance Rayon “De Driesprong” (90 lofts)
14th Ace pigeon Youngster NL Short Distance 2023 Pipa
Boxmeer 1, 7, 8 against 578 p., also 40, 85, 86 against 19444 p. (35/47)
Weert 3, 4, 5 against 542 p. (12/44)
Heusden Z 7, 9 against 526 p., also 59, 62 against 18139 p. (34/43)
Etroeungt 3, 22 against 1267 p., also 52 against 17981 p. (27/43)
Etroeungt 2, 8, 13 against 947 p., also 18, 38, 61 against 14071 p. (24/36)
Sourdun 2, 4, 12, 13 against 313 p. (6/12)
Weert 9, 16 against 341 p., also 23, 46, 91 against 10307 p. (20/20)
Arlon 5, 29 against 767 p., also 18, 139 against 11396 p. (12/12)
Brienne 2, 14 against 234 p., also NPO 28 against 4003 p. (3/6)
Heusden Z 4, 6, 10 against 758 p., also 22, 31, 45 against 8995 p. (16/20)
Arlon 1, 14, 18 against 624 p., also 17, 88 against 8536 p. (9/11)
Weert 75, 79, 80, 81, 84 against 7945 p. (19/20)
Chalons en C 1, 3, 4, 6 against 253 p., also NPO/GP 11, 35, 49, 55 against 5723 p. (9/17)
Heusden Z 4, 5, 17, 19, 21 against 519 p., also 24, 33, 84, 88, 91 against 5958 p. (18/20)
Dizy le Gros 3, 18 against 441 p., also NPO/GP 5 against 5029 p. (10/18)
Boxmeer 22, 56 against 15489 p. (28/45)
Weert 5, 8 against 655 p., also 25, 87 against 14998 p. (30/45)
Heusden Z 7, 8 against 628 p., also 48, 49, 78, 79, 86, 88 against 12889 p. (24/44)
Marche 4, 7 against 998 p., also 14, 67 against 10537 p. (37/42)
Rethel 3, 7, 9, 19 against 653 p., also NPO/GP 46, 97 against 7973 p. (17/26)
Heusden Z 2, 8 against 775 p., also 31, 64 against 10334 p. (13/17)
Best results of the season 2022
Klarenbeek 3, 4, 5, 22 against 946 p. (17/35)
Weert 2, 112, 117, 120 against 3672 p.(21/36)
Heusden Z 1, 21, 62, 70 against 1476 p. (19/34)
Chimay 4, 5, 6, 11, 13, 36, 82 against 1288 p. (22/34)
Chimay 1, 9, 16, 41, 95 against 2863 p. (16/30)
Sourdun 7, 16 against 520 p., (6/9)
Weert 3, 30, 59, 64, 68 against 802 p. (11/17)
Chalon en Ch 5, 63, 82, 83 against 652 p., (9/18)
Dizy Le Gros 1, 21, 22, 25, 33 against 212 p. (8/17)
Boxmeer 2, 26, 31 against 4062 p. (44/82)
Weert 1, 3, 14, 28, 37, 41 against 807 p. (37/78)
Heusden Z 6, 10, 11, 39 against 764 p. (19/76)
Heusden Z 5, 18, 52, 53 against 696 p. 19/62)
Boxtel 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 18 against 276 p. (24/64)
Best results of the season 2021
Heino 1, 42, 78, 79, 80 against 3461 p. (28/45)
Boxmeer 5, 21, 66, 68, 69 against 1594 p. (25/44), also 29, 74 against 20327 p.
Sourdun 6 against 521 p. (12/15), also NPO 93 against 6700 p.
Sittard 5, 6, 7, 8 against 249 p. (13/23), also 39, 73, 86, 95 against 8802 p.
Chimay 7, 9, 13, 33 against 542 p. (7/15), also 50, 53, 67 against 6072 p.
Arlon 8, 24, 35, 37 against 520 p. (14/18), also 31, 74, 95, 97 against 2922 p.
Chalon 5, 27, 28, 34, 35, 39 against 495 p. (12/24), also 39 against 5618 p.
Beek en Donk 1, 2, 20, 35, 40, 46 against 3318 p. (30/43)
Tongeren 1, 13, 63, 71 against 1639 p. (11/33)
Best results of the season 2020
Sens 1, 7 etc. against 624 p. (8/22) against NPO 15, 47 against 6629 p.
Sittard 24, 25, 34, 50 etc. against 1787 p. (17/41)
Heino 2, 21 etc. against 1629 p. (15/41)
Burdinne 4, 8, 18 etc. against 1019 p., against NPO 42, 60 against 13203 p. (34/52)
Chimay 4, 6, 44, 62, 69 etc. against 1597 p. (24/40)
Arlon 8, 9 etc against 830 p. (10/25), against 28, 29 etc. against 8960 p.
Rethel 8, 14, 22, 23, 24 against 811 p. against 31, 72 etc. against 8181 p. (29/38)
Heino 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 etc. against 679 p. (26/42)
Burdinne 6, 11, 15 etc. against 487 p. (19/39)
Best results of the season 2019
4-5 Heusden Z 3, 17, 18, 24, 45 (18/40) against 1543 p., also 32, 91, 97 against 16314 p.
11-5 Quievrain 4, 6, 7, 10, 40 (21/40) against 1616 p., also 26, 32, 33, 45 against 19843 p.
18-5 Chimay 2, 5, ,12, 18, 22, 27 (24/38) against 536 p., also 49, 58 against 17265 p.
25-5 Troyes 1, 31 (7/16) against 458 p., also NPO 13 against 7270 p.
25-5 Heusden Z 7, 14, 23, 30, 33, 37, 44 (16/20) against 1013 p., also 46, 93 against 11363 p
1-6 Chimay 1, 9, 24, 60 (17/22) against 1193 p.
31-8 Heusden Z 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 21 (30/70) against 841 p., also 33, 57, 59 against 14258 p.
9-6 Sens 1, 8 (6/12) against 153 p, also NPO 4, 98 against 6024 p.
9-9 Bierges 1, 11, 45, 50, 55, 92, 96, 98 (21/54) against 1795 p.
14-9 Rethel 1, 2, 5, 8 (13/40) against 138 p., also NAT. 51, 88 against 7154 p.
14-9 Dreis Bruck 15, 16, 17, 38 (14/19) against 8257 p.
1st not nominate Allround Champion rayon de Driesprong (120 lofts)
Best results of the season 2018
28-4 Weert 2, 3 (7/23) against 540 p., also 30, 31 against 21740 p.
5-5 Sittard 1, 15, 23, 28, 39, 40, 68, 93 (21/41) against 1779 p.
12-5 Quievrain 1, 10, 14, 31, 60, 61, 64, 73, 83 (24/40) against 1677 p., also NPO 9, 94, 108 against 21265 p.
20-5 Chimay 8, 23, 34, 39, 59, 74, 96 (19/39) against 1370 p., also 36, 107, 121, 134 against 16989 p.
26-5 Weert 1, 24 (12/23) against 1082 p.
9-6 Sittard 1, 4, 8, 16, 25 (11/23) against 324 p.
16-6 Morlincourt 1, 7, 8, 56 (8/21) against 1910 p., also NPO 2, 9, 10 against 8939 p.
16-6 Morlincourt Nationaal 3, 13, 14 against 17544 p.
23-6 Sittard 2, 4, 8, 15, 18, 19 (16/25) against 287 p., also 34, 44, 94 against 9161 p.
30-6 Laon 3, 7, 8, 11, 15, 16 (15/23) against 282 p., also 27, 43, 44, 85 against 8346 p.
14-7 Chimay 3, 11, 13, 17, 21, 22 (11/23) against 235 p., also 31, 94, 107 against 7165 p.
21-7 Duiven 1, 41, 42, 43 (27/83) against 2354 p., also 8, 114, 115, 123 against 9412 p.
24-8 Quievrain 1, 14, 41, 43, 44, 46, 50, 53, 57 (24/71) against 611 p.
1-9 Gennep 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 16, 41, 57 (13/17) against 459 p., also 28, 30, 34, 39, 41, 109 against 14228 p.
1-9 Quievrain 2, 15, 25, 30, 34, 35, 52, 73, 76, 78, 91, 98, 100 (26/68) against 492 p.
8-9 Deurne 1, 16 (8/14) against 424 p.
15-9 Weert 1, 2, 4 (11/15) against 586 p.
15-9 Morlincourt 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 19, 22 (26/55) against 233 p.
22-9 Sittard 1, 19 (5/14) against 488 p.
Short Distance
2nd not nominated Champion rayon de Driesprong (120 lofts)
1st Shortdistance Acepigeon rayon de Driesprong (120 lofts)
Middle Distance
1st not nominated Champion rayon de Driesprong (120 lofts)
1st nominated Champion rayon de Driesprong (120 lofts)
2nd Middledistance Acepigeon rayon de Driesprong (120 lofts)
Late tour
1st not nominated Champion rayon de Driesprong (120 lofts)
4th not nominated Allround Champion rayon de Driesprong (120 lofts)
2nd Allround Acepigeon rayon de Driesprong (120 lofts)
4nd Allround Acepigeon rayon de Driesprong (120 lofts)