Albert Roording – superloft from Eefde!

1. Superstar Of The Year NL middle distance Gouden Duif 2021
3. Superstar month April/May speed Gouden Duif 2023
1. Best National Grandmasters performance week 34 YB 2024
8. Prov. champion short distance YB 2024
The famous BLITZ-dynasty; acebirds, 1. prize winners & NPO top 10 pigeons

In one of the strongest area’s of The Netherlands – with a/o Eijerkamp and Sangers – Albert Roording is one of the strongest fanciers with just a small team of racers of breeders. He wins many 1. prizes and acebirds, wins several top 10 NPO positions every years and is amongste the champions in big competition! After winning the titles 1. Superstar Of The Year of The Netherlands middle distance 2021 and several top positions in Nat. acebird competitions last years, Albert had a sabbatical year with old birds in 2024 and raced a very promising team of youngsters.

Over the last years he is winner of
1. NPO Zuid Sens 1.915 b. & 2e Nat. S3 8.750 b. 2021
4. NPO Laon 11.179 b. 2020
5. NPO Nanteuil 5.043 b. 2021
5l NPO Morlincourt 17.123 b. 2022
5. NPO Zuid Nanteuil 1.586 b. 2022
5. NPO Melun 7.291 b. 2021
5. NPO Nanteuil 7.551 b. 2020
9. NU Zone 2 Ruffec 2.732 b. 2022
9. NPO Zuid Chateaudun 2.697 b. 2022
10. NPO GP Courtisols 5.029 b. 2023
12. NPO Laon 11.179 b. 2020
18. NPO Laon 11.179 b. 2020
23. NPO Peronne 5.900 b. 2018
23. NPO Niergnies 11.764 b. 2022
24. NPO Sens 3.641 b. 2019
26. NPO Peronne 5.900 b. 2018

Albert Roording had a super breeding cock in his loft; BLITZ-cock also called ‘Kannibaal Kittel’ … he is a grandson of ‘Kittel’ Van Den Bulck and paired to ‘Daughter Lamme 677’ he already bred 4 generations winning 1. prizes, acebirds and National top 10 positions … the hen ‘Daughter Lamme 442’ is his partner for 2 years now and together they best 6 different 1. prize winners! The statistics of BLITZ-cock are phenomenal:
– 9 different children are 1. prize winners
– 12 dofferent grandchildren are 1. prize winners
– 12 different great grandchildren are 1. prize winners
– Offspring won +75x 1. prize and 1. acebirds in 2018-2024
– Offspring won 1.-2.-2.-3.-4.-5.-5.-5.-5.-5. NPO/prov.
Check the overview in PDF from all the top descendants of BLITZ-cock

Top references 2022-2023:
Jo Claeskens, Wolvertem (BE) bred from a son of BLITZ-Pair the BE22-2092368. Total winner of 3x 1. and several times 2. after loft mate. In 2022 as youngster she already won 1.-2.403 b. / 2.-2.403 b. / 2.-1.638 b. and in 2023 she added 1.-810 b. / 2.-1.190 b. / 6.-526 b. / 8.-1.434 b. / 8.-1.633 d. she now won 7x at least 1:750… but above all she bred Jo’s best young hen 2023, the BE23-2101902 ‘Honey Money’, on Noyon races winner of 1.-754 b. / 1.-660 b. / 3.-3.642 b. / 6.-585 b. / 7.-5.430 b. / 12.-4.350 b. / 22.-4.021 b.! Jo: “This hen is the prove that Roording-pigeons easily pass on their top genes to new generations.”
Philip Carbonaro from Malta bought a daughter of BLITZ-cock in his second breeding year and from her he bred the winners of 1. National FCI reg.3 with a/o 1. section 280 km 898 b. also 4e National 7.570 b. … 1. club 385 km 275 b. also 4e National 4.984 d. … 3. club 280 km 314 b. also 38. National 5,735 b. … 4. section 155 km 1,046 b. also 95. National 8.426 b. … and 15. section 155 km 800 b. also 110. Nat. 6.061 b.
Bram Ten Klein, Middenbeemster (NL) bought 2 children of BLITZ-pair in 2021 and bred with great succes with them … direct children of them won in 2023 as yearlingd a/o 1. Quievrain 249 km 1.966 b. … 2. Quievrain 249 km 3.427 b. … 2. Morlincourt 354 km 3.291 b. … 4. Quievrain 249 km 3.427 b. … 4. Quievrain 249 km 1.966 b. … 4. Quievrain 249 km 1.825 b. … 6. Duffel 160 km 3.184 b. … and 8. Duffel 160 km 3.184 b.
Freek Wagenaar, Voorst (NL) borrowed ‘Samba’ for breeding, 1. acebird in 2018 and first real topper from BLITZ-pair. Freek bred from hem NL22-8225973 ‘Mareina’, as youngster 3x top 100 NPO and crowned as 2. Young ace FC IJsselstreek 2022 as well as co-winner 1. prov. champion youngsters … in 2023 a g.daughter ‘Samba’ is 1. Young acebird Fed. and also 11. prov. young acebird GOU and a grandson of ‘Samba’ wins in 3 weeks time 3., 4. and 6. prize in big competition.
Sjoerd Lei, Heerenveen (NL) got 6 youngsters from the breeders in 2023 and he won 2x 1. prize with then… via Enrico Doldersum he got a grandchild of BLITZ-paar that won him 1. young acebird Fed. and 3. prov. young acebird Friesland.
Jef Claeskens, Sint Lambrecht (BE) has a super son of Ass-Paar ‘Socrates’ x ‘Salsa’, the BE22-5005015 … he won top 10 prizes on small middle distance and on the Nationals he won 16. prov. Bourges II 481 km 1.944 b. … 29. prov. Argenton III 550 km 1.789 b. … 207. Nat. Chateauroux 525 km 17.081 d. he was crowned 2. prov. ace KBDB middle dist. YB KBDB’22 … in 2023 this cock also won 1. Laon 2.760 b. and a full brother was crowned 25. Nat. ace KBDB alround YB 2023! A grandchild BLITZ-Pair wins for Jef later also 1. prize, also top 10 prov. Argenton 2023.
Johan Gijsberts, Zutphen (NL) bought a son of BLITZ-Pair late 2021 … he became a super breeder and breeder of a/o 1. NIC / 9. NPO Morlincourt 6.496 b. and 6. Tienen 999 b.
Ap Jurriens, Zutphen (NL) bought a son of ‘Triple Crown’ x ‘Scarlett’ and a child of ‘German BLITZ’ late 2022 … in 2023 he bred promising youngsters from them, a/o top 10 winners in region.
Karen Den Haan, Honselersdijk (NL) is a good friend and tested some original Roording pigeons in 2023. A child of ‘German BLITZ’ x ‘Gaia’ was crowned as 3. young acebird short distance Westland 2023.
Venema, Borne (NL) bough a direct child of ‘Genaaiden’ x ‘André & Bert’s Gift’ and bred very well from this hen directly! She bred a/o his best youngster ‘556/23’, after 9 from 10 races this youngbird was positioned 1. young acebird Fed. 2023.

Some Roording highlights of the last years are:
1. Superstar Of The Year middle dist. Gouden Duif 2021
1. Best National Grandmasters performance week 34 YB 2024
3. Nat. Superstar of the Month speed Gouden Duif April/May 2023
4. Gouden Duif winner overall Netherlands 2021
5. Nat. Superstar of the Month speed Gouden Duif June/July 2021
7. Nat. acebird allround FCI World Best Pigeon 2021
7. Nat. Superstar of the Month middle dist. Gouden Duif Sept/Aug 2021
9. Nat. Superstar of the Month middle dist. Gouden Duif June/July 2021
14. NL Olympiad bird cat. yearlings 2021
18. Nat. acebird middle dist. FCI World Best Pigeon 2021
24. Nat. young acebird PIPA ranking 2021
1. Grandmaster (best prov. result) Afd. 8 GOU J32 in 2023
1. Grandmaster (best s-prov. result) region ZO Afd. 8 GOU F33 in 2023
3. Grandmaster (best s-prov. result) region ZO Afd. 8 GOU F34 in 2023
3. Grandmaster (best prov. result) Afd. 8 GOU F 36 in 2023

Breeding team
Since the start with youngsters in 2018, Albert went straight to the top! BLITZ-cock is the absolute nr. 1 breeder. Another very special breeder is ‘Grizzle Goed Grijs’, original Leideman Brothers from the wonder breeder ‘Son Goed Grijs 998’ (now Sangers Pigeons) … ‘Grizzle Goed Grijs’ developed as key breeder at Albert, being mother of a/o 4 different 1. prize winners and (grand)mother of total 8x 1. prize incl. 2. Nat.S3 Sens 8,750 b. /1. prov. SFGOU 2,076 b. and 1. prize 210 km Derby De La Luz OLR 2024 … she is half sister to breeder of 1. Nat. Ace middle dist. NPO 2023 at Ype Hemstra.

Albert is text writer for PIPA for almost 15 years already and from PIPA he got 2 very exclusive breeders!! Including a direct daughter of ‘Grizzle Best Kittel’, 2. Nat. Ace KBDB and recently sold on PIPA for 210,000 Euro … but also a daughter of ‘Olympic Gladiator Junior’, winner of 1. Olympiad bird cat. C 2022, 1. best long dist. racer Belgium 5 & 6 pr. PIPA Ranking 2020-2021, 4. Nat. Ace KBDB long dist. old 2021 and 8. Nat. Ace KBDB long dist. YL 2020 … in 2024 Albert got 2 new additions for the breeding loft; another daughter of ‘Grizzle Best Kittel’ (x full sister) and a daughter of ‘Wonder Van Goed Grijs’ (super breeding son ‘Goed Grijs’ Leideman).

We wish Albert all the best in the new season 2025!