Super OLR origins!
Org. Tage Gravesen
Sire: DAN-172-21-0676 JAMES 676
Direct son of SUPER GIRL 4104
1. Prov. Bremen 335 km 2020
1. Acepigeon Middledistance 2020
2. Acepigeon Middledistance 2018
6. Acepigeon Middledistance 2017
The father is fullbrother to RED SUPERMAN 439:
2. International Acepigeon Grand Average King of Atlantic
33. King of Sprint
55. Final Race
in Derby Arona OLR 2018!
Dam: DAN-172-19-0200 NIKITA 200
Halfsister to 078:
Carwinner and 11. Semifinal in Derby Arona 2019
On the mother side back to the old foundation pigeon GRANITTEN
The father is from Jos Thoné origins – a grandson of JUTTA:
1. Prov. and 2. National Vichy 11.510 p.
1. Prov. and 6. National La Souterraine 3.096 p.
2. Prov. Chateauroux
1. National Acepigeon AVR 2004