Amazing Günter Prange origins!!
Direct from TACCO – son of DER 520 x MASCHA with in total 10 x 1. Prizes.
TACCO is sire to 609: 2/4.443 p. in RegV and other 1. Prize winners!
Halfsister to:
18-1213: 9/757, 22/1527, 26/3100, 37/1361, 52/1237, 72/1820, 78/919 etc.
20-1203: 5/859, 44/1840, 55/1843, 77/1554 etc.
21-3333: 17/2252, 29/729, 50/1936, 70/2306 etc.
Granddaughter TOTILA x HALLA – supercouple from Hubert Borker!
Sire: DV-2098-12-609 TACCO
Super Günter Prange lines!
Super breeder – sire i.e. to:
609: 2/4.443 p. in RegV
Plus other 1. Prize winners!
His father is DER 520 – a super racer with 7 x 1. Prizes in competition with average 1.600 pigeons!
The mother is MASCHA – also a super racer from TOTILA x HALLA.
MASCHA raced 3 x 1. Prizes in competion with an average of around 1.300 pigeons!
Dam: DV-7259-11-518 TOCHTER TOLITA, Org. Hubert Borker
A super breeding hen – mother to several good racers – like i.e.:
18-1213: 9/757, 22/1527, 26/3100, 37/1361, 52/1237, 72/1820, 78/919 etc.
20-1203: 5/859, 44/1840, 55/1843, 77/1554 etc.
21-3333: 17/2252, 29/729, 50/1936, 70/2306 etc.
Direct from the supercouple TOTILA x HALLA – parents to:
1/6759, 1/3008, 1/1549, 1/1473, 1/1206, 1/751, 1/706, 2/7798 etc. etc.
TOTILA is brother to BORIS:
1. Acepigeon RegV at Günter Prange.
Both direct sons of 555 – brother to EUROSTAR 1. Acepigeon BRD!
And again both grandsons from the worldfamous RINGLOSE!
HALLA is also grandchild of RINGLOSE!